We delivered our first produce donation today! It was a small one, just 7.3 pounds, but everything looked delicious!
Rainbow radish, Stupice tomato, Magda squash, and Zucchini (clockwise) |
We donated rainbow radishes, Magda summer squash, basil, and 4 little tomatoes from our harvest sharing plots. Gardeners contributed lettuce, kale, red radishes, and green zucchini from their own plots.
A big thanks to the Campbell Community Garden donation plot sponsors,
Tempus Dictum Inc. and
Badbeard Microroastery for their cash sponsorship of the plots. And thanks to
Hansen Family Farm for their donation of tomato and eggplant plants.
Tuscan kale, green leaf lettuce, and Red Russian kale (clockwise) |
Thanks to the gardeners who shared produce, and for our garden volunteers who helped last night with planting basil, parsley, and radish, bean, and beet seeds.